Lorenzini foundation Centro studi Lorenzini foundation Centro studi


Working Group Coordinators:
Giovannella Baggio (Padua)
Stefano Govoni (Pavia)

Giovannella Baggio (clinical issues)
U.O. General Medicine
Padua Hospital
University of Padua
Via Giustiniani 2
35128 Padua, Italy
E-mail: med.generale@sanita.padova.it
Web: http://www.padova2.medinterna.it

Stefano Govoni (research)
Department of Experimental
Applied Pharmacology
University of Pavia
Via Taramelli 14
27100 Pavia - Italy
E-mail: govonis@unipv.it
Web: http://www.unipv.it/farmacologia

Members of the aging working group (research/clinical issues):

Massimo Allegri (Pain Control Therapy)
Director, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Control
IRCCS San Matteo - Pavia Hospital
Pavia - Italy
E-mail: m.allegri@smatteo.pv.it

Angelo Bianchetti (General Medicine and Geriatrics)
Department of General Medicine and Rehabilitation
S. Anna Clinical Institute
Brescia - Italy
E-mail: angelo.bianchetti@grg-bs.it

Aldo Biolcati (Neurodegenerative Disorders)
Director S.C. of Geriatrics
Hospital of Novara
Novara - Italy
E-mail: aldobiolcati@tin.it

Giovanni Frisoni (Imaging and Functional Imaging)
IRCCS S. Giovanni di Dio
and FateBeneFratelli Hospital
Brescia - Italy
E-mail: gfrisoni@fatebenefratelli.it

Luigia Favalli (Nutrition)
Department of Experimental and Applied Pharmacology
University of Pavia
Pavia - Italy
E-mail: farola@unipv.it

Antonio Guaita (Prothesis Area)
Director "Golgi Cenci" Foundation
Centre on Alzheimer
Abbiategrasso (Milan) - Italy
E-mail: antguai@alice.it

Adele Lucchelli (Gender Pharmacology and Self Medication)
Department of Experimental and Applied Pharmacology
University of Pavia
Pavia - Italy
E-mail: adlu@unipv.it

Marco Racchi (Pharmacogenetics)
Department of Experimental and Applied Pharmacology
University of Pavia
Pavia - Italy
E-mail: racchi@unipv.it

Giovanni Ricevuti (Internal Medicine)
Professor of Internal Medicine
Geriatric Medicine
Medical Therapeutics, Emergency Medicine
University of Pavia
Pavia - Italy
E-mail: giovanni_ricevuti@asppavia.it

Renzo Rozzini (Depression)
Director Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
Poliambulanza Hospital
Brescia - Italy
E-mail: rozzini-renzo@poliambulanza.it